ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: stretching neck & head while trotting

Re: stretching neck & head while trotting

Susan Evans Garlinghouse (suendavid@worldnet.att.net)
Tue, 09 Dec 1997 08:50:17 -0800

Glenda, when I was doing dressage training with Heather Bender (a really
top trainer, she really knows her stuff), one of the earliest things she
taught the young/training level horses was to do just this---stretch
downward to bring the back up, then come back up again onto the bit.
Maybe Lakota just figured it out himself, clever fellow. One of the
newer training level dressage tests even has a portion where you more or
less drop the reins, walk in a circle and the horse is supposed to
stretch downward, then come back up onto the bit as you complete the
circle---so I guess this stretching down is not only considered a good
thing, but important enough to test on it.

Count your lucky stars. It cost me about five grand in training fees to
get Cato to do that.


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