What a bummer! Was he able to get into the pasture with the horses? If
not, I'm sure he must have barked at the very least?! My shoer came
this morning, and the dogs were *not* very happy that he was trying to
go into the horse area. To his credit, he simply waited until I got
there <G>. He did remark that I probably didn't have trespassers very
I remember a year or two ago at the Paint World show in Vegas, someone
walked right into the show barn and stole a little girl's show paint.
He was caught a few weeks later when he was picked up for something
else and said that he had a horse that needed feeding. When asked why
he had taken him, he replied that he had simply like how his face
I have heard several stories from ropers who had left horses tied to
their trailers and came back to find them gone. Did you read the story
of the roper who had a palomino gelding stolen that way, only to find
him at another roping 7 years later?
Arizona had talked about implementing a microchipping system, but I
really don't see how they are going to "make" horse owners have their
horses chipped. Also, do slaughterhouses actually scan for a chip? I
have heard that they are leery of freeze branded horses due to the
problems arising if they kill a BLM mustang.