ridecamp@endurance.net: Helmets
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 21:41:36 -0400 (EDT)
Just wanted to share a note with you all - of course, as an instructor of
mainly children (with the occasional terrified adult as well!) , I am a big
advocate of helmets. Why? Because medical science has yet to be able to
replace the brain. Mine may not be the BIGGEST or the BEST, but it is all I
have to work with! HENCE...this morning when i mounted up my 2 2year old mare
to go for a 15 mile trot on familiar trails with her buddy and another gOOD
RIDER, I thought for a moment, "do I need my helmet?" You know, HAT HAIR,
rather waarm and humid, sunglasses don't fit well under it... well, I wore
it, and was i glad. On the way home, I found that I was probably correct -
bell boots DO tend to interfere with good foot placement and initial phase of
the range of motion of the lower leg. In other words, SHE TRIPPED! Down she
went - HARD - I hit my protected head, banged up my arm, and before I yanked
my leg out fro under her, I realized that my mare was clear down on her flank
and trying to ride - with he under her. Well, she rose cautiously, and stared
down at me like "what are you doing THERE?" as it turns out, we share VERY
sore shoulders, achy backs and a few skids. Other than that, (well, a lITTLE
HEADACE!) nothing to kepe me form hopping on a nother hrose tomorrow. Not so
had I not been wearing head protection. Thank God. Thank Troxel. Banged up
but ready to ride! Do we advocate helmets? YES! But watch out for little tree
limb trigs getting caught in the vents!!
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