ridecamp@endurance.net: Hyper Horse

Hyper Horse

Wed, 28 May 1997 09:02:49 -0400

I have a horse, Arab cross, that starts of a ride beautifully, but once
you move her into a quick trot or a canter it becomes close to impossible
to get her to walk again. If you put any kind of pressure in the bit
(like even THINK about it) she acts like she is going to rear straight
up! Some times I won't even give her any contact and she ACTS like I am
pulling her back. This horse is new to me, and I have no idea of her
prior training, but she rode quite well when I first got her. She doesn't
do this quite as much in the ring, mostly on trail rides. Any ideas as to
what can cause this behavior? I am at a loss. Could this be something
with her teeth or with her bit, or psychological, etc? She has always
been a little head strong, but this extreme behavior is getting
progressively worse. Since she IS getting worse, I plan on working with
her exclusively in the ring for a while (since she does better there),
until I figure out the problem. Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. She is normally a great horse, so I REALLY want to set
things straight. She has wonderful potential for speed and endurance.
Thank you in advance.

Karolyn and Sage

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