ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Hyper Horse

Re: Hyper Horse

Thu, 29 May 1997 14:54:20 -0400

I agree with the importance of half-halts. The most helpful training
aid ever thought of IMHO. It gets your horse paying attention to you
and that gives them confidence that you are in control and know what you
are doing. Transitions within gaits teaches finer communication because
the horse has to listen more and you learn subtlety with control. Also
going back to the basics and getting them down cold is important.
Patience and repetition is key. With my horse, I spent alot of time
walking on the trails. When she was calm about that I started
trotting. When she was calm about that, I cantered her. She was
rewarded for calmness by getting more variety. When she gets wound up,
its back to whatever gait she can manage to behave at. Since she is a
go,go,go horse this works. Reward--nice forward pace. Act up--well
you'll just have to walk. Needless to say, she doesn't like this but I
can keep her on the bit and in control that way which I find
comforting. Going back to the basics re-establishes your confidence and
control and therefore re-establishes your horse's confidence in you.
Some things just can't be rushed.


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