ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: selling products on the list.

Re: selling products on the list.

gerhardt (gerhardt@theriver.com)
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 18:02:27 -0700

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Like the lady that was looking for
help on an undernorished horse. I sell Purina products, and when someone
else recommended a Purina product, I joined the recommendation. Perhaps
that's different because I don't get anything if someone goes to another
Purina store and buys a bag of feed.

However, there is a product I am in the process of putting in the Horse
Shop, two of them actually, and if someone out there said, Hey does anyone
know where I could buy X, I wouldn't think it would be inappropriate for me
to say that they can get it from me and could check out my Horse Shop site.

And of course I always have Mountain Horses for sale, but telling people
about horses for sale on here does not seem to be a problem.


> From: L Eisele <nevadaghostridr@webtv.net>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: selling products on the list.
> Date: Friday, April 18, 1997 12:53 PM
> MY feelings are...when someone turns to the list for suggestions or
> recommendations on certain products or requests info on what works and
> doesn't and someone else responds with possible products they sell that
> may fit the bill, I see no harm. Linda
> Linda Eisele & Sareei and
> hubby, Allen and the General

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