ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Base milage before training

Re: Base milage before training

Truman Prevatt (truman.prevatt@netsrq.com)
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 10:56:33 -0400

>While every one will give you a formula or tell you how many miles to ride I
>will keep it simple and say it is up to you.
>Many people, no matter how many miles they condition the horse, will never
>be ready to compete in endurance. The horse is ready but they are not. I
>could take just about any horse going, that has some semblance of
>conditioning and complete a creditable 25 mile LD ride.
>Your best bet is if you feel competent the horse can walk and trot for 25
>miles then try it. Just go out and do it, ride the 25 mile LD. If you or the
>horse get to tired then you are not prepared so you must condition a bit
>harder before the next attempt.
>Remember the most non-completions are not caused by the horse but by the
>rider. Tired riders make tired horses, sick riders make sour horses. The
>horse reflects your attitude. If you are a "CAN DO" person then your horse
>will be fine. Be smart, be happy and have a fun ride.
>Bob Morris
>Morris Endurance Enterprises
>Boise, ID

Great post Bob. I have got to believe that one of the keys to success in
one day 100's is the physical condition and mental attiude of the rider. I
found this out on my first 100. We pulled into 85 miles. I was beat -
absolutely beat. The next 15 miles seems like for ever. The horse vetted
through fine - but a "little tired". My pit crew gave me electrolytes, hot
soup, the best turkey sandwich I have ever had, hot coffee and I took a 15
minute nap. My horse ate and ate and ate. Within 30 minutes of time of
arrival, I was completely recharged. With only had 15 miles to go - and I
knew we were home free. I knew we were going to finish our first 100 and
the adrenal glan was working overtime. I got on the horse full of energy
and since we had been over the trail earlier the horse seemed to sense that
we were almost home. She picked up a easy gallop and we gallop the next 15
miles in pitch dark - what a rush. As she got stornger I got stonger and
as I got stronger she got stornger. It was truly amazing.


Truman Prevatt
Sarasota, FL

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