Re: Hackamores vs. bits
Sat, 25 Jan 1997 20:12:40 -0500 (EST)

Hackamores are easier (so we think) on horses because we are not "in" their
mouth causeing sores, etc...there are varied degrees of severity..thinner
nosebands are more severe..chinCHAINS are MORE SEVERE. i use the Sleister
Aluminum with 9 inch horse has no trouble getting his nose into a
5 gal plastic bucket..but some don't like the length of the shanks..the
LONGER the shank, the MORE SEVERE the hackamore...

Also, bosals and vosals are now being used..much better for these (and for
hackamores) if your horse neckreins ( a MUST for Vosals and Bosals). Also,
MUCH better if your horse is well-training from the start and will listen to
commands and therefor (hopefully) not be a puller.

I use the bridles with the removable bit hangers (the ones we make) and I do
real;ize they aren;t always easy .. especially when your horse doesn't want
to cooperate, but they also work well with hackmores and vosals/bosals.
