ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Horse for Sale - S. Calif.

Re: [endurance] Horse for Sale - S. Calif.

Joyce Kellenberger (joyce@homer.ca.boeing.com)
Fri, 9 Aug 96 16:07:13 PDT

> -- [ From: ROBERT J MORRIS * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> Joyce:
> Per your comments on the horses going to auction and the excess of horses on
> the market; consider the fact the department of the interior is in the horse
> selling market in a BIG way. They are to have in excess of 7000 animals up
> for adoption from Nevada this year. That is 7000 horses of doubious quality
> and questionable ancestry. And then you wonder why we have to take our
> purebred to the auction. These 7000 will be going at the standard rate of I
> believe $150 each for so called adoption. That is a return of $1,050,000 vs
> a cost in the neighborhood $3,000,000. That is a true market subsidy that
> really hurts the true breeder. Why buy a good breed when you can get one of
> those wonderful mustangs for 10% of what a decent horse will cost.
> Bob Morris
> Morris Endurance enterprises
> Boise, ID

Good point, Bob; thanks for the comments. I forget about that aspect of the
business of horses. I was targeting more the backyard breeders as I fully
agree that it is desirable for the more reputable breeders to keep the breed
"honest". It is becoming increasingly difficult for the true breeder to stay
in business.
