ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] coverage of equestrian events

[endurance] coverage of equestrian events

15 Feb 96 8:43:26

I have heard with great regret that NBC plans no television coverage of equestrian events at this summerıs Olympics in Atlanta, considering them a Şminorş sport. I hope this is not true. As you at NBC must be aware, there are many millions of equestrians and aspiring equestrians in this country who would hang on every minute of coverage of the equestrian events at the Olympics. Further, horses and associated events are a billion dollar a year industry in this country -- hardly minor. And a great many of us horse enthusiasts have little or no interest in many sports that you DO cover. So if you want us as an audience, and if your sponsors do, it would seem that the best way to get us would be to broadcast, at the very least, the finals of all equestrian events.

Thank you for your consideration.

Nancy Smart
La Plata, Md.