ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: Horse Training Tip

[endurance] Re: Horse Training Tip

MRS KAREN L CHATON (ZHBF15A@prodigy.com)
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 14:03:40 EST

Hi! This is something I learned from another more experienced rider
that I thought I'd pass on (though I'm sure a lot of you already know

I have tought my horse to urinate on command. I just whistle, and he
will go for me. Being an Arab, he is pretty darn smart and by the
third time he had learned it. Whenever we were on the trail, and he
would go I could whistle and scratch the side of his neck in the same
place and in no time he was doing it on cue. It works great if you
are going to be trailering. My horse doesn't like to go (#1) in the
trailer so this helps make him more comfortable. When I go out to
the barn to take him out for a ride, all I have to do is whistle and
he heads straight for the back to go pee. I've had other friends
look at me like I'm from another planet, but hey, it works.

Also, since he will drop for me when I whistle, it helps for sheath
cleaning as well. If anybody else out there has any good ideas or
tips please let me know, I like learning as much as I can! Thanks -