ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Trail Blazer Subscription

[endurance] Trail Blazer Subscription

Thu, 7 Sep 1995 07:22:04 -0400

To: Fadjurs@sadandy.hpl.hp.com
Subject: Trail Blazer

In a recent post, you requested that folks who were missing Trail Blazer
issues let you know so that you could compile the concerns. I am a
subscriber for a number of years (since the 1980's). My subscription runs
through December 1999, but I have yet to receive a single issue for all of
1995! I am
beginning to feel that I have wasted my money!

I have the subscription in my store's name. In the past, if someone in the
store expressed interest in the articles, I shared the book & a cup of coffee
w/ them, gabbed about recent rides, then encouraged them to subscribe. I
cannot do that now for 2 reasons - No magazine & NO MAGAZINE! I cannot in
good faith tell them to subscribe to a magazine that I, a loyal reader & past
ROC commercial sponsor, do not receive as I should.

Anything you can do will be appreciated! My subscription is under:
Blue Wolf Equestrian Supplies
649 Saddlehorn Dr.
Chesapeake, VA 23322


Linda Flemmer