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Re: [RC] AERC National Championship ride qualifications

You know there is a famous quote by Aristotle, where he is bemoaning the "lazy youth of today - the reduced standars." Of course the today was about 360BC! When I was a kid the youth were "going to pot, we were worthless, lazy and wouldn't amout to a hill of beans." "Standards" in many cases are artifical bars which are more the way we would like to see things than the way they are. I would suggest there is more over riding in many back yard rides than you have seen at any of the three NC rides. The winning time for the 50 at the NC in KY is almost an hour slower than it that course has been run. Doesn't sound to me like a bunch of newbe's with a big ego trying to kill their horse to me.

One final point is good old Rudy, the BC in the 50 who looked absolutely awsome all day long, would not even come close to qualifying under the proposed critria. I would perfer that we base these decisions on logic and analysis of the entire picture than base it on emotion or a preconcieved notion what "what endurance is to me."

Truman wrote:

In a message dated 2/26/2002 9:37:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
The moment you lower your
standards, you lower the sport.  All of us should strive to meet a higher
standard in our lives and in our sport.

THANK YOU! And anyone who disagrees, try talking to a high school student these days. I have two of them myself :)- conversing with their buddies is like conversing with a 10 year old when I was in school. Why? Because they keep LOWERING THE BAR of performance to accomodate the lowest common denominator, from social promotion to grad requirements to college entrance requirements - all in the name of not making anyone FEEL BAD. sigh!

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