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Up Horse doing Great!!

Thanks to everyone who sent suggestions. I am in the process of looking
into them--- may take a couple days to sort through them all. The
concern is really wonderful!
Bunny had a great day once we called the inventor of the Anderson
Sling--- Charlie-- and asked him what to do. He told us which straps to
tighten and we started pulling, pushing, lifting, and voila!! Bunny was
able to poop again!
(The day before, he could poop but there was a pocket right below so we
would have to scoop it out or it would irritate his skin. Wouldn't you
know--- NO latex gloves and stores had closed when we realized we needed
them. Well, this is true love! I never considered myself a nail biter
before, BUT I became painfully aware of how I have this unconscious
habit of putting my nails in my mouth! Ugh--- although I washed and
washed--- there was still this "fragrance"... No finger foods That
night! Like the story of the 2 cowboys out on the trail and one stopped
and got down off his horse, saying he had chapped lips. Stuck his
fingers you-can-imagine-where and wiped the residue on his lips. His
partner in shock asked him if it really helped chapped lips. The cowboy
replied, "Well, I don't know about THAT...but it sure keeps me from
licking my lips!"
Anywho, Bunny has been using his legs more, at times putting some weight
the back ones. We wrapped the front as he is stretching them out in
front and putting weight on them in a strange position. We pull, push,
rotate, and mess with his back legs to encourage their use. Seems to be
working. A TTouch person and neurokinesiologist, Helena Brusk, is
working with us as well as her friend Kristina, and a horse chiro, Karen
Hale, is coming tomorrow. I am not asking much of him yet--- he's
getting use to being up and doing really well on his own. His spirits
are really good.
Ira came over and baby-sat while I took some pics off my camcorder so
that you can get a sense of the great invention the sling has been, now
that we are a little more knowledgeable in how to adjust it.
You can reach the picture page at
This is truly a group effort, as you will see.
Thanks again for all your help, even if I don't get back to you right
Bette and Bunny
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians
Home of 16.2h TLA Halynov
who lives on through his legacy
Hal's Riverdance!

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