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Ramp V Step

Laura T
I used to have a ramp.  It got so heavy with age.  It seems I would hurt
my back everytime I took the trailer to go and ride, which was alot.

I have a step up now, and 50/50 doors that close.  A loooow step up, and a
looow step down.  Doors open, and doors close.  Easy.  My friend has a
ramp with the same maker of trailer I have.  Hers is remarkably light, but
has also become heavy with age, but after having a step and doors, I
prefer doors.

I had only one horse jump on my ramp.  The horse was used to a step.  When
the horse unloaded the first time he stepped very carefully outwards.  The
next time (the next day, it was at a ride) the horse loaded to go home, he
walked right on.  Then, when the horse got back home, he unloaded just
like he had had a ramp his whole life.  Smart horse.  They adapt.

I guess it is what works you the individual person, and what you want to
buy and what is available to buy.  Just like
a mare or gelding, barefoot or shoes, ramp or step, english or western or
bareback.  It's your choice, free country here in the USA!!  Ain't it

Laura T

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