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Re: RC: conditioning riders

I have alot of history w/the conditioning of humans and some w/endurance
horses.  My wife & I have both been talking about this very subject.  She
is a very good athlete on the left side of 30 with almost 20 years in the
saddle, almost all in circles.  She has followed me out on training rides
w/my 1/2 arab & gets pooped over 2 hours.  I know alot of people who are
good endurance riders who are tough as acorns, but myabe no fit by fitness
magazine standards.  I think these people get most of their
toughness/fitness from the things they do w/their horses, but I think some
things could help that don't require a gym membership, lycra, machines, or
that much time:

Walk at lunch if you can a few times a week if you are office bound.  No
lycra necessary, just comfy shoes.  Walk some stairs on some days for some

Park as far (safely though) as you can from your building and walk in.

Too cold/rainy/sleety/snowy to ride?  Go to the mall and walk the mall
including the stairs up & down for an hour....but stay away from the cookie

Long line your horse.  Its nice to his/her back, great training & can be
quite a work out for you if you trot a lot on long lines.  after an hour
long lining I am fairly pooped.

Take your horse for a walk if you can.  Some horses don't walk all that
well on a lead.  Pushy, prancing, etc.  Take them for a walk for an hour
for your sake & theirs.  Exercise for each of you, time together, decent
fitness for each of you.

Get off every 30-60 minutes on a training ride and walk 5-10 minutes.

Practice alot of two-point to build up your legs and back w/out leaning on
the poor critters neck (actually that would be 3 point!)

None of this requires some resolution, liposuction, machines, etc.

Happy Trails (Dr. Jon; 60 days from 40!)

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