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Re: RC: What Type of Horse for Tall Rider?
I at 6'3" 185pnds like a tall horse 15:2 to 15:3 NOT over - then the horse
becomes too large to be agile - at least not as I would like it.
I think BODY type is more important - good wide barrel - deep in girth
large legs big-dia- short cannons , wide short coupled back.
The tall leaner mounts look like I can just stand up over the horse,
I dont like my legs below the girth I want my heel at the girth line
for balance and cueing
Thursday, February 14, 2002, 12:27:24 PM, you wrote:
gen> We are in the process of looking for a horse for my very tall husband
gen> (6'4" - all legs!). I am hoping to do some competitive trail rides this
gen> summer, and he will probably want to join me. I've never done these rides
gen> before, and I'm wondering what type of horse will work best for my husband
gen> (I have a nice little Morgan mare). Most of the horses we've seen that
gen> will be big enough for him are draft crosses - but I worry that a heavy
gen> horse like that might not handle even the 25 mile rides very well.
gen> Straight Thoroughbreds, however, tend to be all legs and not take up HIS
gen> legs.
gen> Would those of you with experience in CTR give some suggestions as to what
gen> type of horse we should try to find? If I like CTR, I may also try some
gen> limited distance endurance with my mare, but I doubt my husband will -
gen> right now, he will probably just do a few 25 mile CTRs with me.
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