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BC and other awards
Most rides in this area give placings and BC to LDs. All distances usually
recognize the high vet score, often a nice award.
Many times all distances will get the same "basic" completion award, with
each longer distance getting something extra. For instance, everyone gets a
T-shirt, 50s will get a bucket and T-shirt, 75s a T-shirt and a bucket
plus something else, etc.
It is not uncommon for those not finishing to get hard luck awards, also.
(They paid their money, helped make the ride a success, ought to have
something to take home, too.)
In many years riding and managing rides, awards, placings, etc., don't seem
to change the attitudes of those who may ride beyond the horse's abilities
on any given day, at any given distance. They either do or they don't.
We are blessed with quite a few good vets and ride managers who do a lot of
planning to keep major disasters out of the picture.
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