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RE: CTR or Endurance

I too will be interested in the responses to this...

Angie, sounds like we're in similar situations only you're a bit ahead of me. I bought a 10 yr old mare over the summer last year that had been 'stagnant' for over 2 years. I rode two CTR-25's early last year on my older mare, just did our first LD on this younger mare. As for the difference, we did the LD really slowly so seems like if you want to take it easier on the horse, do endurance.

Btw, my mare has decided she REALLY loves her new sport... she was a show horse in her previous life. Yesterday I took her out for her first real trail ride since last weekend's endurance ride (had her out earlier in the week for a short ride where we worked on leg yelds, etc). Met up some others a did a fast paced ride through the woods, she was Miss Rodeo every time I tried to hold her back! It was quite funny, as she had not been particularly competitive up to now, but NOW she wants to be right up front! We're both enjoying this, just wish there were more 25's coming along this spring...

Bany & Lola in So Fla  

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