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NC Quals

Kathy Mayeda
I had an interesting conversation with one of our BOD members last night
at the Quicksilver banquet.  I did not know, and I'm not sure that it was
ever revealed, that the vote to increase the qualifications for the NC was
UNANIMOUS.  It had apparently been reviewed several times, rewritten
several times, and then UNANIMOUSLY passed.

Horse experience is wonderful, but to ride a NC endurance ride coming from
another base of experience in my mind would be like a speed skater
attempting to be Kristi Yamaguchi in a single season or vice versa.  (Can
you tell the Winter Olympics is a current topic? Can't remember any names
though) Like I could never go from my current dressage or jumping base to
Grand Prix within a year.  Just ain't gonna happen.

Oh well, nice day, gonna ride.  I totally enjoyed the banquet last night,
and Maryben did a great job with the gifts.  Got a nice little grooming
tote for my miserable competition year (100 miles) last year.  And I'm
excited about getting a copy of Julie's book.  She was out of them by the
time got to her table!


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