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    Re: [RC] [Guest] treeless saddles - casbeer

    I use a breastcollar, hold onto the breastcollar as I'm mounting, and try to do it 
    quickly and as gracefully as possible :P
    I'm a heavyweight also, and love my sportsaddle, and the changes in the horses has 
    been wonderful.
    Brenda Casebeer
    > Sherie staylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    > Regarding treeless saddles.  I'm curious what keeps the saddle from
    > rolling sidways when trying to mount if there isn't a tree to hold it
    > in place?  Has anyone used the Bob Marshall treeless saddle on a low
    > withered horse and had problems with the saddle rolling siddways?
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    [RC] [Guest] treeless saddles, Ridecamp Guest