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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:39:24 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] blaze orange/getting shot - Cheryl Ann

    Hi Rene -
    Go back to the fabric store and get some orange vinyl, usually on rolls in
    the craft section of the bigger stores (I got mine at Jo-ann) and some
    self-adhesive Velcro. You can cut strips, stick on the velcro, and apply
    these to your halters, bridles, collars, etc. You can also fabric glue or
    pin this to your saddle pads, riding coat, pants, boots, etc. Attatch it to
    slint boots if you use them. It does get stiff in the cold, but I have some
    of this that has so far lasted me several years. It's also inexpensive.
    You can also buy orange duct tape, I just picked some up the other day.
    I also use orange halters, headstalls, reins, saddle blankets, rump rugs,
    and neck bands. I myself wear orange, too, in case we get separated and I
    have to walk out of the woods on foot. The 'kids' also wear bell strips, and
    I wear a bell on my jacket zipper pull. And this is just to ride on a
    private farm, where there aren't even supposed to be any hunters.
    Hope this helps -
    Cheryl in WNY
    Horse Kids Kit, Bobby & Dani
    > does anyone know where to get orange accessories?
    > everyone should take the rules concerning wearing blaze orange seriously.
    > i just don't like idea of people running around the woods with guns and
    > in the best and prettiest time of the year to ride.
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    [RC] blaze orange/getting shot, RENESPONY