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    Re: [RC] [RC] Re:Fungus and Scratches - Karen

    At 04:02 PM 11/14/2002 -0500, Kelli Kirchner wrote:
    Now I need to figure out a way to prevent it from happening in the first place, but I haven't come up with that one yet.

    The key is to prevent them from ever starting. Use Eqyss anti microbial spray (and shampoo), Tammy's ointment, and during the ride -- lots of desitin. Also, don't feed alfalfa. Keep the pasterns and heel bulb area dry and clean. I always keep dish towels in the trailer so that I can dry the horses legs and ankles off as soon as they get washed down each day after a ride.

    At least, those things have worked well for my horses. Lucky for me, Weaver has never in his life gotten scratches -- but that doesn't stop me from taking measures to make sure he doesn't -- and Rocky hasn't had scratches for years and years -- he used to get them every year in the wintertime from being in the mud all of the time. So now, I am not sure if he has just toughened up and developed immunity, or if it's because I pay more attention and prevent them from happening. In either case, both horses made it thru the entire 2001 XP (8 weeks and 19 50's each horse) -- without ever developing a hint of scratches (the majority of the horses being ridden did get scratches, esp. in Nevada). Any kind of hay with clover in it is strictly forbidden with Rocky, it makes him super sun-sensitive.

    Happy Trails,
    in NV
    & Dream Weaver
    & Rocky

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    Re: [RC] [RC] Re:Fungus and Scratches, Kelli Kirchner