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    [RC] [Guest] Hay shed construction tips, anyone? - Ridecamp Guest

    Mary Abbott Mabbott@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Hi everybody!
    Any tips on hay shed construction?  I'd like to build something out of wood,
    a little larger than stall size.  (Quickly.  It is starting to rain here.)
    Planning on it being three sided.  Someone here is telling me to put floor
    in it.  I say, floor?  Hmmm...  Couldn't use it for an extra horse shelter,
    later, if I do that.  How about just ensuring good drainage around it?
    Also, I'm wondering, with three solid sides and an open front, will that be
    enough ventilation?
    Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
    Grass Valley, CA
    P.S.:  Of course, this is pertinent to Endurance Net's Ride Camp because
    this hay shed is to store hay for endurance horses!  :-)
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