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    [RC] Pull codes - oddfarm

    The ride veterinarians are SUPPOSED to have instructions about how to use
    the pull codes, since they are the ones responsible for assigning them.  One
    of the biggest breakdowns in the system is educating ride vets about why
    they are used and how to properly assign them.  Since the original intent of
    the system was to have information gathered by ride veterinarians for the
    veterinary committee, I'm not sure that the application and explanation was
    ever disseminated through other sources.  Too bad, as ride veterinarians
    have not been equally diligent in getting their paperwork done, or in
    understanding what the paperwork is for.
    It is funny that you should say that Heidi, because all it takes to be an AERC vet is to pay their dues. What, if any education is required by the vets? Just the handbook??
    How much time does AERC or the vet committee take to make sure the vets understand all that is required? Including the paperwork? What do they do to ensure consistency and accuracy? I am not complaining, just asking.
    As to your question why else would someone pull if their horse wasn't questionable or unless they couldn't ride another step? Or whoever asked that!
    Well, I have pulled because the ride sucked, because it was happy hour, and once  because I just felt like it. I have pulled from a ride and not even been listed as a starter. (I was way more than 1/2 way through) I know a few times I didn't even vet out at the end because the lines were miles long and it was too freaken' hot to wait around. I was listed as metabolic once and just pulled another time. At one ride, Wendy and I were listed as pulls and we WEREN'T! Boy, that was aggravating.
    I can think of two times when I didn't think I was going to get a completion because my horse was off. But I did. That is why I don't understand the "grades" of lameness. A lame horse, is a lame horse, but you can still get a completion, if it is not THAT lame. Is it a gimp, a limp, a bob? I don't know.
    When vet checks are inconsistent, (not just the vets, us riders can mess things up to) then how accurate is the information going to be anyway?
    Not complaining, just asking.
    Lisa Salas, The Odd fArm