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    [RC] Vote Yes on bond issue for parks - Betty Demar Mueller

    Virginia Voters:
    Vote yes to support the Virginia State Parks and Natural Areas Bond Issue, which is on the Nov 5 ballot.  Endurance riders and others complain about needing more (and maintaining the ones already there) trails to ride and/or train their horses on.  Here is your chance for improvements at most parks and funds to construct 3 new parks.  Also this bond will provide land to create 10 new nature preserves.
    We owe it to future generations (and trail riders) to protect our wildlife, our land and our water, while providing them with the recreational opportunities within Virginia that will keep our economy strong.  The State Parks in this state inject more than $140 million dollars into our economy every year.
    I urge all voters in Virgina to vote "yes" on Question # 2: Parks and Recreational Facilities. 
    Betty DeMar Mueller, Equine Artist