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    [RC] Round Bales + Deaths(?) - Val Nicoson

    Just read the brief discussion on horse deaths
    relating to the feeding of round bales and had a
    couple questions.  I board my horse and for the first
    time in the two years since we've been at this stable
    they decided to feed round bales in the dry lot this
    year.  Horses go off of pasture shortly after the
    first frost.
    So I'm concerned about her having access to feeding
    off the round bale while turned out which is quite
    limited in and of itself.  The prior two years it was
    whatever the horses could find to nibble in the
    outdoor arena area (their drylot) that is sand.  Which
    I realize has its own risks ie sand colic.
    There is no way to separate her from the rest of her
    turn-out herd unless she is stalled all day which is
    not an option.  Other stables are being sought in the
    Can the stable be held liable for the death of a horse
    being fed round bales?  Or is this just one of the
    risks of horse ownership?  Assuming just one of the
    risks taken though.
    How much then is the risk of feeding round bales to
    horses?  Is this high risk, moderate or low risk?
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