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    Re: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides - Carolyn Loedeman

    One child stands out in my mind as I read all of these ideas, etc.  Each child is different and the child I am relating to is one that came to my farm.  I had a arab mare for sale, and this 5 year old (going on 40) came in with his dad.  Dad did not ask one question, it was all the young one.  Asked me to get the mare, he then proceded to check her legs pick them up, checked her mouth and went all over her, did have dad pick him up to check the back.  Told dad to get his saddle from the truck, and saddle her up, I got on my other mare and we went to the field to try her out, well let me tell you that young man had that horse going in circles, trotting, cantering, and whopping it up, and then said hey you got any real trails, I am ready.  I told him that since we had been out here for a half an hour maybe his dad would like to talk to him.  So we went back and they went home, he said that he would talk it over with his dad and come back in the morning. Sure thing they were back, and he checked with me on the price, and retold them and he told his dad to write the check this was the horse for him.  Dad was a quarter horse breeder and they were heading to the big 5 day 100 mile trail ride in Ind. that he did last year at 4 years old, and he had found himself a horse that would make it, and they did.  Sent me pics and everything.  So each child it different and we have to remember that they are the future.
    Carolyn Loedeman
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 12:58 PM
    Subject: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides

    In a message dated 10/24/2002 8:24:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
    FancyNite@xxxxxxx writes:

    << Say (for example) a junior rider has to have at least 100 miles of LDs to
    be eligible to enter a 50 mile ride? (and) A junior rider has to have at least
    400 miles to be eligible to enter a 100 mile ride?  100s take stamina,
    strength, guts, ambition... the list is endless.  Things that MOST (not all)
    children just haven't mastered yet. >>

    <<This is a logical, sensible, well thought out approach.  This, I could go
    along with.  It may be a logistical and record keeping nightmare, but would
    be well worth the effort and show, liability-wise, a sensible approach to
    this perceived problem.  Anybody have a problem with this idea?>>

    So what is wrong with this idea??????

    <<I don't think of a 5-year old as a toddler.  Methinks you are underestimating what a 5-year old can think and do.  Children who have challenging early childhood experiences grow up to be mature and extremely capable adults.>>

    My mommy is pretty proud of how I turned out.<G>  And you know what, there was a few times where I wanted to quit.  Would she let me? Heck no she told me to quit my damn whining.  Does that mean she abused me?  I don't think so.. I know of few times I should have been.. <bg>  Most of you seem to be forgetting this is a FAMILY SPORT.  And I am more than grateful to have grown up with it!

    Are you going to tell Maggie Price she can't take her grandkids on rides anymore?  I didn't think so.  When I seen her little grandaughter ride a 25 miler (I think she was 6) I was SOOO proud of her, she made me feel like a kid again.  


    [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides, FancyNite