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I can't imagine what kind of person would say that DVE is boring or flat.  
It's some of the most spectacular country in the world.  Also, one of my 
favorite rides.  But then someone last year said that driving up highway 14 
toward the Big Horn Mountains out of Shell, Wyoming was anything 
is possible!  Karen's photos say it all.  Also, if Julie Suhr, Maryben and 
Jackie all agree on something, that's good enough for me.  They are all 
special folks with more miles and experience than most of us will ever hope 
to have.  Maybe Jackie should drop the 25 milers if they are this much 
trouble?  We've been considering, much against my better judgment, to have a 
25 miler in conjunction with the Big Horn 100/50.  This thread makes me feel 
like arguing against it, again.  Cindy Collins, AERC #176

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