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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:25 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Early Signs of WNV
  • - Ed and Wendy Hauser
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  • - DVeritas

    Re: [RC] Early Signs of WNV - Ed and Wendy Hauser

    My basic reaction would be the same as yours.  My horses are not going to be
    exposed until next april, or more usually May.
    My reading on her recommendation (horses came in for a CTR check and stopped
    the conversation before it was over-but that is one of the joys of being a
    ride manager), is that since horses that were 4 to 5 months from their april
    series are getting sick in September, and revaccination in August (like I
    did) may not be wise in case an infection is starting, by revaccinating in
    Nov you have some protection for early spring contact until you booster in
    As I said, things are in a state of flux and the reccomendations may be
    different and better next spring.
    Ed and Wendy Hauser
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    RE: [RC] Early Signs of WNV, Whiteaker, Steve