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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:20 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Weight of horse compared to rider - Heidi Smith

    >Elaine betwab@xxxxxx
    What is the rider to horse weight ratio.  A friend who is new to riding and
    endurance has purchased a horse that is 13.2 and he is 6.4.  The thought are
    that the horse is really to small for him.  The horse is a arabian of aboout
    750 lbs.  While he is about 170 to 180 lbs. without the saddle.  The total
    wieght with his present saddle is about 200 to 210.  Thanks for any infor on
    this situation.
    It is the substance of the horse and the conformation of the horse that
    carries the rider, not the height.  You are only asking this horse to carry
    28% of his body weight, which is not unrealistic for a well-built
    individual.  As another poster admitted, the problem is the tall rider
    feeling uncomfortable (and I'd add that this is due to preconceived notions
    of how he is supposed to look, not to any sort of physical discomfort)--the
    horse really doesn't care, and is not being asked to do anything
    extraordinary here, unless he has a long or weak back or other conformation
    faults that predispose him to difficulties in carrying weight.  It has been
    my experience that more of the taller horses actually have poor backs in our
    breed, and hence they often tend to have more physical problems with heavier
    riders than do shorter and more correctly conformed individuals.
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    [RC] Weight of horse compared to rider, Ridecamp Guest