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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:24 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Norco Ride: So California - Tiffany D'Virgilio

    This was my first ride. At the suggestion of many of you I decided to make
    it my first 50 as well:)
    First off I have to say that this was a fantastic time. EVERY single person
    I came in contact with, be it, staff, volunteer, vet, or riders and crew was
    amazing. The volunteers were wonderful, cheerful even in that heat! Yes,
    that last 5 minute hold the temp was 112 for us. HOT! If this is what
    endurance people are all about then I am proud, humble and happy to consider
    myself a part of this.
    I started after the pack so my mare would not freak out. She was very
    excited and bouncy in those tunnels for the first few miles. We rolled into
    the first check feeling good. She pulsed right down and vetted through. Ate,
    drank, got elytes and we were off.
    Got lost during leg 2 twice. I got a wrong direction for one of the street
    crews and added over a mile to my route. Then we got back into the river
    portion on the long straight road and my mare started to really motor. Got
    back into the tunnels and she got into this amazing, big trot twisting in
    and out of the turns-what a blast! Back into camp for lunch. I was
    flabbergasted to learn that the leaders were already gone from the lunch
    hold! Wow! The frontrunners must have been moving! So, since a top 10 was
    out of the question I stayed in lunch an extra 30 minutes to give my mare
    time to rest and eat. It is now hot, really hot.
    Leg 3 was great too. Lots of water crossings including the infamous deep
    water hole. Narrow river passage-four other horses bunched up ahead of me,
    one of the ladies is off, had blood all over her arm and mouth and has
    ripped one leg of her pants almost off. Horses are a bit jumpy because the
    water comes up to my back on the horse. Cool though. :) We pass a few
    people, three of which become my saviors later in the day. I get lost again.
    Add a few more miles on. (Would wish I had not done that later). We vet
    through fine, I am getting the hang of it all now.
    What comes next will show me what my little mare and I are really made of.
    About mile 40 we are galloping down a hardpack dirt road with small rocks.
    She trips at the gallop and goes down.  I throw myself to the side so I
    don't get squished. I'm glad I have my helmet on:) See, I learned something
    from all my years hanging out in RC. Mare gets up and is bleeding from knee.
    Nice gash. I start to cry at the thought of having to pull this girl after
    all those beautiful miles we did. My saviors catch up to me. Bernie, Becky
    Hackworth, and her friend whose name escapes me as I am now getting
    sunstroke. Leg 4 was HOT, not much shade for the first half of it. Anyway,
    they give me water to wash her wound, watch me get on and make sure she is
    moving OK. Mare is fighting me to lead, so she is all right. We go on. I
    start to hurt bad, and cramp. We pull into the last 5 minute check. BTW, if
    it were not for that water and fruit I would not have made it. 112  in the
    shade. We leave and go back in the tunnels. Bernie stays with me. That last
    5 miles is really 20-I am convinced. I am tired, hot and in pain. I am
    holding myself up as I can no longer post. The heat has beaten me. My mare
    is tired. And here is where my day becomes both heaven and hell. That mare
    wanted to stop. She had never gone that far and wanted to give in. I did
    too. Bernie took the lead and got me there. Truly. If this is what endurance
    riders are like, then I have found the most amazing group of people in all
    the world. 
    We finally see the finish, up a hill, no shade, one more mile. I can't do
    it. Yes, I can. I get off and walk. This hurts-oh God it hurts. About 1/3 of
    a mile I want to get back on and ride in. I can walk no further. I apologize
    to my mare who when she had nothing left, she gave me more. That just about
    both breaks my heart and humbles me to the core. Bernie lifts me into the
    saddle, bless him, and then he says something I won't ever forget.  He says
    this is your first ride, you deserve this, you ride in ahead of me. Sob.
    Mosh and I canter over the line, looking not too bad. I can't believe it. I
    ask, Can I get off now? They laugh at me:)
    A quick finish-I got my completion. Mare is doing great. I hurt like Hell.
    Great group of people. I came in 50th-not last:) And could not be prouder
    than if I have won. I know understand what To finish is to win means. I was
    touched that each person weather 90th or 1st got to come up for their award.
    So cool. Thanks Lynne, I had the most amazing experience of my life out
    there. I learned more about myself and that mare than ever before. Please
    have the ride again-but not in August!
    I hurt, but I can't wait to do this again!!! (Just not in 112 degree
    weather! )
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