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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:24 GMT 2003
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    [RC] carbohydrate fuel > - Rides 2 Far

    > Dont think I want to talk about this on RC anymore
    > Dont want more carbo wars..
    > .. so lets go offline??
    I think the only reason the "carb wars" were wars was that ti was
    sooooo...."ti".  He was sort of like a dog who'd been jabbed until it was
    really mean.  If he even *thought* you might be threatening he
    bit...HARD!  Made me want to argue with him whether I agreed with him or
    not. >g< Discussion of the carbs is a heck of a lot more interesting and
    relevent than most of what I'm getting on here lately...and it doesn't
    lend itself to mindless chit chat.
    So... I am curious, and I haven't been on Ti's list.  I see the times
    posted for some of the foreign FEI races... and I see the LACK of hold
    times.  Incredibly small amounts.  I see those people passing rules to
    *limit* the number of holds. Are they fueling these horses with
    carbo-charge.  Does less hold time benefit them?  Will a horse's gut
    continue to move with just carbs or must he not EAT?
    I read the article in "The Horse" that was posted.  They said it wasn't
    so much *how much* grain you fed as "how much at a time" (that could over
    do it).  I've been feeding more grain during rides but was curious as to
    where "the line" falls.  Any opinions on this?  Susan?
    P.S.  Talked to a CT rider who said wild hogs are a big problem at BSF
    this year.  You were just up there...any news?
    Angie (from carbs to hogs...see Scott...you really *can* combine messages
    instead of sending 10 individuals!)
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