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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:50 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: [RC] Barry
  • - Larry Miller
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    [RC] sore backs again... - Rides 2 Far

    still wanted to bend to the right.  If I go 
    > onto the > left diagonal,  he would really bend to the right and go
    down the trail > crooked.
    > At first I thought something was behind him,  I stopped and looked - 
    There's just so darned much to learn about horses and life's so short.
    :-(  Lately when my farrier picks up Kaboot's right foot Kaboot turns his
    head as far as he can to the left as if looking at his tail and then sort
    of tosses his head like someone who's motioning at something with their
    chin.  Irritates the farrier with the movement but it's obvious to me
    that there's a reason he's doing it.  If I had life to do over I'd take
    courses in massage, chiro, dressage, natural horsemanship, etc. etc. all
    before I was 15.
    Susan, your description of the problem in the horse's hip sounds much
    like something Kaboot had with the hunter's bump. He was swinging his leg
    wide at a trot and the vets thought it was his stifle, but his stifle
    flexed clear. Went to a chiro for the first time and she saw the hunter's
    bump and went streight to that hip and gave him a couple of good bumps
    from behind (she was 6'2" looked like *your* big sister), then put her
    hand inside his leg and gave a little twist and "no more problems". (I
    LOVE instant results) >bg< By the way, he'd had no back problems though.
    I plan to try your stretches.
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