I too have been given a horse. SHe was a
little Arab cross that supposedly had done all this great stuff with this
women's granddaughter. However, she had tumorous growths that would grow from
her backside if you know what I mean. Word was that they just clipped them off
several times. She wasn't a happy girl and I can't blame her. There was only one
person in the family that could get near her back there so we gave her
away. Recently I was given a Dutch Warmblood upper level schoolmaster. He
is very old and I can use him for as long as I want. I just love him and he is
very beautiful. He doesn't have the strength anymore to compete. He cannot stay
in a constant collected frame, doesn't want to sit on his haunches for too long.
Its been a great learning experience since he knows just about everything.
If anyone out there has a tall, Arabian mare, 15.1+ with great conformation and
sporthorse movement that they just NEED LOL to give away, let me know.....I have
a barren mare and two breedings to Dutch warmbloods. This just hasn't been our
year. Colleen P.S. Last year wasn't either. We put 3,000 plus into this mare to
get her in foal.