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    [RC] Headwaters of the Rogue - Cancelled - Steph Teeter

    Headwaters of the Rogue - southern Oregon - is cancelled due to extreme fire danger.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sharon Westergard [mailto:goripper@xxxxxxxxxx]
    Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 2:36 PM
    Subject: Headwaters cancelled

    Thought I'd send this to all in my address book in case any of you aren't on the PNER list.  Headwaters is definitely cancelled due to extreme fire danger and So. Oregon burning up.  Use of chain saws is now forbidden unless you dowse the area and have a fire watch for 4 hours at each site where you cut.
    Tom and Jackie are very saddened by this development, but promise to put the ride on next year, if we're not in a Level IV by the middle of July.