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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:56 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Rabid Bats - Beth Bennett

    Hey all, please forgive me if I get on a soap box for a minute, especially concerning a non-horse related topic. . .
    I really hate to see negative publicity about bats -- one of the world's most beneficial and most misunderstood/feared animals.
    As someone on here mentioned, bats get a bad rap because they seem to die and be found more than other animals.  The reason that bats get such a bad rap is because when a bat is sick, it falls to the ground.  When a bat falls to the ground, some idiotic person (usually well-meaning) messes with it and ends up getting bitten. 
    Bats DO NOT CARRY rabies. . . they CONTRACT it, just like humans.  They get sick, they die, and if left alone, it ends there. 
    So please, please, please continue supporting and preserving bat populations, and consider yourself fortunate to have them around.
    For more information about bats and rabies you can check out basicallybats.com.
    Beth Bennett
    Endurance Rider/Caver/Retired Bat Mom