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    Re: [RC] Welts on back - Cocomix3

    I use a toklat pad also but maybe you need to take the other foam inserts away. Where do you put them on the back? What are you using it for? In the new sportack catalog, there is a new toklat pad and it says that it will allow more air to circulate onto there back... Maybe that is what your mare.

    oNE OF MY FRIENDS HORSE would also get welts on his back and it turned out that the rider wasn't getting off his back enough and it put to much pressure on his back because he also has sensitive skin. So you might not be lifting up enough off the saddle.

    Maybe she is allergic... Do the welts appear always in the same places or in different places everytime? If in the same place you may need to rearrange your foam inserts or check that there are no stickers stuck in the pad.

    Well I hope that this helps you!!!

    MichelLE sCHFIMAN AND kOCO ( my horse)