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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:56 GMT 2003
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    [RC] LD and Awards - Jeanne Slominski

    The statement that 'National LD awards are meaningless' stems from the fact that not all regions treat LD in the same manner. If you look at LD results in EN or in the year books, you will see that some regions give placings and AERC LD BC at the vast majority, if not all, of their LD rides. Some regions, such as West & Pacific South, do not give LD placings or AERC LD BC at any of their rides, with maybe a few exceptions. Therefore, while regional LD awards are appropriate in some regions, they are non-existent in other regions. And this makes the National LD awards meaningless. One is not competing against all other LD riders in all other regions.
    My question has always been 'why' is there such a difference between regions. Hopefully, the BOD will take a long hard look at this issue at the up coming mid-year board meeting and resolve it, one way or the other.
    AERC 4887
    West region