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    Re: [RC] response to Alison - Merryben

    In a message dated 6/21/2002 9:03:41 PM Central Daylight Time, guest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    Carrie I don't think everyone means to pick on Laura and her juniors.  I ride with 6 13 year old girls and have ridden about 6,000 of my 8,000 miles with juniors.  Three of them became national champions and everyone who rides endurance knows about Heather Bergantz's sucesses.  I don't know how long you have ridden with Laura but the thing everyone seems to try to overlook is that there was a serious protest lodged against her last year and after a lot of investigation by the committee the protest was upheld.  The board spent some time discussing it after the decision was made.  This was not done lightly and as far as last year's ride goes, she was guilty.  That is not in disputed.  As far as this year goes, I don't know.  If there is some sort of protest filed, I guess the board will hear about it again.  Most of these people are seriously concerned about the sport and abo ut how juniors are perceived.

    I only speak for my juniors.  They are polite and well mannered.  They take care of their horses and they volunteer to help ride management.  They write thank you notes when someone other than I sponsor them and they do what they are told.  Above all, they adhere to the "maryben rules".  No whining, no complaining and do what Maryben tells you.  They also must do nothing that will get me in trouble with any of their parents.

    If Laura is innocent of the charge this year, then that is good... However, she was guilty last year and that is not an arguable point......

    Maryben Stover
    West Region AERC Director
    Chair of Junior Committee of AERC