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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:27:25 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] I'm out of here
  • - Heidi Smith
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  • - Heidi Smith

    Re: [RC] I'm out of here - Trishmare7

    Whatever is in the California water must be in Michigan's water too Lynne.  I 
    remain UN-offended as well.  I didn't even find the deity references 
    offensive.  If there is a God I'm sure He doesn't get offended very easily 
    either, certainly not over a name.  I thought people were supposed to be made 
    in His image ... in that case, Howard is an aspect of God too.  Maybe he's 
    God's Un-PC side.
        Lynne knows that *I* sure as heck don't have a lot of spare time, so 
    little in fact that if I can find time to skim/read ridecamp, really, anyone 
    can.  If you tell me "I don't have the time, there's too many off topic 
    posts, and besides, that Howard guy really bugs me," followed by a cyber-door 
    slam, I've actually been told a lot more about your tolerance level than the 
    amount of spare time you've got.  There aren't very many lists I stick with 
    over the long haul (because I really *don't* have the time!-though when I 
    unsub from a list, I don't make a big announcement about it, I just quietly 
    go), but RC is a keeper.
    Trish & King David (still showing no ill-effects from the first West Nile 
    shot, gonna go ahead with Shot II, but probably never again),
    Grand Blanc, MI
    (Personally Lynne ... I think it's that Mars occultation in patriotic Cancer 
    that's got everyone so huffy ...<g>)
    In a message dated 06/12/2002 9:41:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
    lynne@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
    << You know, it must be living in California, or something.  I saw 
     nothing that bothered me other than the references to deities that I 
     considered offensive.  I just used my DELETE keystroke shortcut--you 
     know--just skimming the header and the first few sentences to decide 
     whether individual posts are worthy subject material or not. >>
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