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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:27:26 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Rides in Michigan - Maggie Mieske

    The Hopkins Creek ride is this month, June 22 and 23.  E-mail Jeanie Miller for a schedule of this year's ride.  She is the GLDRA secretary.  Join GLDRA and you will get all the ride flyers with your membership.  By the way, Jeanie, the 2002 schedule I have shows that the Kewenaw ride is still on but there was no ride flyer for it in my packet from Shannon.  Is it still a go?  I haven't seen it on the AERC site and some people have made noises about going and we thought about it but then I couldn't find a flyer...HELP!  Is it or ain't it?  :)

    [RC] Rides in Michigan, Allegra