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    Re[2]: [RC] Pre-Ride VC Issues and a few others - Roger Rittenhouse

       While I  am on a roll;
    I stepped up to register my disagreement with a policy and protocol I
    believe to be incorrect.   Not the first time nor the last..
    While all have the opinions and options to disagree with with me or
    agree. ..
    One thing I ask- take the issues public. I really dont need trash mail
    or flame mail in private. If you want to take me out or on - do it in public,
    I also would really like for those who agree with me in private to go
    Standing out alone is not a good place to be if it appears no one
    supports you position.
    I have received a few supporting my comments and a few not in
    support.. all private  -except Bob M - Howard sort of? and I am sure a few others by now.
    The only way issues get resolved is to go public  put the comments in
    public view for riders and others to read. The BOD will eventually
    have to deal with some of these issues as well as other issues.
    If you disagree with me, say so, if you dont like my style say so -
    I dont really care -  just do something. Far too many sit on there on  what
    ever and dont speak up   let it all hang out - tell it the way YOU see
    I under stand a few are concerned with image and assorted positions
    and surely dont want to get caught in a mix with me Howard Bob M or
    BOD members or who ever enters in to this, (more will enter into the
    But sitting there doing nothing is acceptance of the way things are
    with out regard to the sport.
    Let the other guy do it.  OR you concur.
    The current membership is quite apathetic as is many on  the AERC Board. I have
    taken issues to the BOD list without ONE comment from anyone, just
    ignore the loose cannon.  Issues of non- importance are covered but dont
    talk about hot items...
    What the hell is there to be concerned with here. ITS A SPORT! it sure
    is NOT my religion.
    What will happen  well lets see - I will loose business  - maybe - its
    the risk I took when I took the job - did anyone think I would just
    roll over and go along with the flow.??  Dont care for my politics
    and chose not to do business with me . OK then. they really are not
    connected.. no business equals no support??
    I will continue to speak MY position on issues I believe are
    important. And they are that - just mine.
    lets here yours?
    However- A few others are speaking up.
    Next another reason to NOT make waves is retaliation. By WHO?  A vet
    who I piss off might pull me? So?? I dont go to rides with that vet?
    I really dont HAVE to do this, I dropped out of NATRC because the BS
    in this region got too much for me and Carol to deal with. So we just
    quit- I dont miss it either.
    Problem is AERC sure is NOT NATRC, it has been my life for 25 plus
    When I see the sport changing from what I thought it was or how it
    was, I register  strong objections. Assign that to paternalistic
    If those coming into the sport
    want a different set of rules and principles - then make it happen.
    I already did deal with the FEI issues. I am not so sure it has been good
    for AERC. Others think we should get  more involved. Just look at the
    latest EN - 3 articles all about FEI and UAE and how we should or
    should not work with them and fit in.
    The President  the VP and  a noted vet/rider.  I thought there was
    adequate coverage of FEI/UAE related issues in that issue, saturation,
    I called it. I just do not see my continued association with that
    form of the sport as related to what I believe defines AERC.
       AERC has larger issues then FEI/UAE  There is far too much
    influence on AERC from FEI already  and I am not alone with that
    One issue facing YOU the riders is the new BYLAWS. I did vote for them
    - no they are not perfect and will be changed years from now, but they
    are sound enough to provide for the business of AERC Inc
    I wanted a few changes  minor - did not get them - but over all the
    bylaws are good and needed to bring the corporation up to date and in
    compliance with the Corp Code of Ca.
    I urge you to vote for them.
    I may take the time to address a few point later- after this fire
    storm passes.
    (Sure hope Bobbie R and RMTC escaped the  real firestorm)
      Roger R
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    RE: [RC] Pre-Ride VC Issues and a few others, Bob Morris