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Re: RC: Joint Supplements

Hi Diane,

You wrote:
>I just read a few statements about joint supplements. One said that MSM
>and Devil's Claw will test positive. Does this mean that if I'm feeding
>joint supplemts that contain these ingredients it could possibly
>disqualify my horse?

Yes.  That's why I mentioned it.  Some brand combo's do not contain
these ingredients.  You can use one of the IM injectables (not on
race day obviously).  You can buy feed supplements individually or
choose one that does not contain MSM, Devil's Claw, or Yucca.
You could try withdrawing the extra supplementation several days
or a week or more before a ride.  You'd know that your horse wasn't
under any physiological dose the day of the ride.  BUT, if they test
at all, you are up for disqualification just as if your horse had any
bute in his system.

The withdrawl times for such things and the minute amounts that
will test these days are good for several days of discussion on this
list.  There is no sure answer right now except that the AERC has
a ZERO drug tolerance rule and that's a good thing for our sport.

> Is this true with any other supplements? I'm new to
>endurance, but riding an older, seasoned horse that needs the supplements.
> [...]

Bonnie pointed out that using the injectables in conjunction with the
feed supplements works better than just one or the other.  That's
a really good way to go for an ex-racer's joints.  The supplements with
out the additional anti-inflamitories are very effective for endurance
horses who aren't highly arthritic like some of our older horses are.

Personally, I don't want MSM or Devil's Claw or Yucca in my endurance 
horse at all anyways.  I don't want to cover anything up especially
in training.  If a horse needs such things to stay comfortable at
this level of competition, then perhaps the rider needs to rethink
whether or not endurance training and riding is in the best interest
of the horse.

Good for you for spending the money to take care of your horses!

:) - Kathy Myers
Santa Fe, NM

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