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Re: Multidays & 4 year olds

Well, I think Marc is doing great....but he has only ever done one LD...20 Mule team 30.  He wasn't 5 yet.  His next ride wasn't until Mt Laguna, due to the elNino year of no rides.... he was 5 and we did it in 11:53.  We have slowly moved our way up from there...
Now when anyone wants to ride with me I tell them, you won't like the pace,  I ride steady but REALLY SLOW.    AND I MEAN IT.
Becky and the gang.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lauren Horn
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 8:09 AM
Subject: RC: Multidays & 4 year olds

<What does everybody think about 4 year old horses doing a LD ride for 5 >
<days in a row?  (some are 25, 30, or 35 miles long)>

It depends on the horse AND they should go slow.  I think if the horse is ridden correctly for their level of fitness and development, then it should not be a problem. I know of one horse in particular who was ridden regularly, but slow, as a four year old, started  slow 50's at 5 and is doing GREAT years later. Right?, Becky and Heather???  ;-)
Lauren & Allan Horn
San Juan Capistrano, CA

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