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Why I do endurance
Carla Lawson robandcarla@hotmail.com
What sport allows you to dress like a clown, ride like a banshee, pee in
the woods, think that beet pulp is the next best thing to sliced bread
even if your horse thinks you are an idiot for not serving proper "SHOW"
horse food which tastes a hell of alot better. What sport can you
litterally get off look like you are in a drunken stupor and have a cop
pull you over later for weaving or slow driving and give you a
breathelizer test and you not register because you Haven't been drinking
yet you have ice in the back with a few cases of beer since you were the
only one going to the store to get ice for your horse. (whups I told on
myslef didn't I?)
What sport can you compete in that also includes kids to compete right
along with you?
What sport has the fittest horses? I mean how many of them top notch 3 day
eventer can do this? And they GET THREE DAYS!!!
Course I do it for the money... Yeah right!
I do this because I love it. I get a rush like a drug in the veins! I do
this because if I don't my insurance would go high because I would need
some therapy. Course in I haven't in the last year and 1/2 because of
commitments but I get to in five more months. Was going to get a fix in
November but I had to cancel for grandmothers funeral (was the least I
could do).
But I am in bad need of a fix...Going thru withdrawl is hard.
I don't know what will happen to Steph, Angie, Merryben, or heaven help us
Trilby when they can't get on the horse to ride. I am sure when old age
catches up (will take a very long time) that they will have some bad
withdrawls. I think Angie will crew for her great grandkids, Steph will
just go off on the trail one day and won't be heard from. Trilby will just
go off into that great big purple heaven in the sky. Merryben, will
probably start her own magazine..titled Endurance the quest for the
perfect ride.
Why do I do endurance.. The question really is why do I not!
Carla (oh its nice out...I feel a training ride coming on!)
Ansata (ohh look....a mud puddle...)
Haley (I am bored...MOMMMMMM)
Rob (honey I have paperwork...ah screw it)
PS for Howard, Howard will go while slurping a beer from a blow to the
head while riding Danceline thru a redwood forest.
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