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Re: no shoes

Uh oh.....and it hasn't even been 30 days.......Douglas, you may have opened
a can of worms.  Check out the archives.


> Douglas
> I live and ride about two hours north of LA in the Piute Mountains, an
> area of mainly decomposed granite and rocks near the PCT.  I pulled the
> shoes from my Arab mare and my Appy about four years ago and both now have
> feet like iron, with zero problems.  I inspect feet daily, learned how to
> maintain their feet myself, and again, no problems have developed.  Both
> horses are pastured 365 days on 90 acres of decomposed granite 24/7 with
> daily alfalfa pellet feeding of about one-third of their daily
> requirements, and regularly give me 25 - 35 mile days, going from 3200
> feet to 6000 and back.
> I have done one AERC 30 at Tar Springs a few years ago (with shoes on the
> mare) and want to start again in 2002, starting with 25/30's and working
> up.
> My question is this - what is the current regulation on horses with no
> shoes at AERC events ?  Will we be restricted or barred from any rides at
> the 25/30 mile or 50 mile level ?  Regulations aside, what is the current
> thinking on barefoot horses ?
> I really don't want to shoe either horse as their feet are just beautiful,
> and they are very happy, never showing any indication of tender feet.
> When I'm on the trail, if the ground looks rougher than I would want to
> run on in soft shoes, I walk them.  They are used to rough terrain, shale,
> and small rocks, such as fire roads and the PCT.  Both are great at
> picking their way around rocks on the trot or at a walk.
> What's the scoop ?
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