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Re: RC: Question for the serious trail rider.

The problem in the Northeast is that there are not enough barns.  My husband and I are looking for another horses and there are no open stalls at our barn, and they have a waiting list.  My barn is great where I am at now, we can come over 7 days a week, if our horse is sick or we just want to check on them, we can come over any time we want to.  But these crazy rules are the norm where I am.

----- Original Message -----
From: diane knapper
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 8:21 PM
To: Carolyn Burgess
Cc: Roberta Jo Lieberman; Cindy Young; Ridecamp List
Subject: Re: RC: Question for the serious trail rider.

WOW -- amazing.  I never heard of a barn being closed.  Give
me a break.  I can understand not wanting a bunch of people
around at 10 pm...but a full day.  I would never go for
that.  I have boarded in the West (Las Vegas) and the
Midwest (MN) and never heard of such a thing.  What are the
trying to pull.  If all the owners got together and
protested...wouldn't that work.  How, do you close a barn.
Can't I just drive up and go see my horse.  What are they
going to the cops.  I'm sorry, don't mean to be
nasty, but that is outrageous.

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