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chains vs. cables to get unstuck

Regarding this thread of getting stuck guys out of mud.  There is this one
couple that the guy always gets stuck and his wife calls me from her job
asking me to go rescue him because she can't leave her job just then.   I'm
thinking of buying a towing chain instead of my nylon rope that I've been
using.  This guy sometimes gets his truck stuck, not just the car, so one of
these days my precious rope won't do, especially with the way he drove when
he asked me to help him pop the truck clutch one day when he was losing his
temper.  So anyway, what do you all think about cables vs. chains vs straps?
It seems like a cable or strap with the same capacity could keep more
compactly on the floor in the back seat, and be useful for more types of
work than just towing, like fastening down a load of hay on a truck or dump
trailer.  Men are welcome to chime in as well as women on this one.  Thanks,

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