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Christmas greeting

Well, it's Christmas Eve and things have finally slowed down. We just
finished making the traditional cookies and opening *one* gift.  I don't
know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to
shopping ahead. I got up at 5 AM this morning when the new kitten bumped
the toy train under the tree and turned it on.  Very disorienting to hear
a train wreck and the little engine plaintively whistling as it lays on
its side chugging.  The kitten made a dash for the bedroom and pretended
to be asleep.  There's never been a toy made that's as entertaining as a

  As long as I was up I got dressed and decided to beat the crowd to
Walmart.  It was nice.  I like morning people.  It was 7 AM and everybody
was happy and saying "Merry Christmas". 

Josie put on her list that she wanted "Horse stuff".  2 months ago I
could have gotten some nice stuff mail order, but I was busy so I had to
make do at Walmart.   Poor kid. I'll bet she'll be the only person in her
class that gets carwash sponges, Duct tape, pocket hand warmers, Desitin
and Vasoline. 

One good note.  Had a visit from Joe Harris, our ride manager who was run
over by the loose horse and had to have a shoulder joint replacement. 
He's been very diligent with his physical therapy and I guess as a thank
you for me taking care of his horses he made me the most incredible
coffeetable. Joe used to do absolutely gorgeous woodwork and I was really
worried when he was injured that he wouldn't be able to do it again. 
Well, I've got a beautiful piece of furniture that's a work of art that
proves he's almost back.  That's an especially good thing to be thankful
for this Christmas.

To Amy Whelan, Susan Garlinghouse, and anyone else who has someone
overseas in the military right now...thank you for your family's
sacrifice.  You and they are in our prayers.

Merry Christmas everybody.
Angie & Bill, (getting ready to drink coffee by the fire till after the
kids give it up and go to bed)  Bonnie & Josie (willing the clock to move
faster)  Kaboot, Ben Amil (who got alfalfa for the special day) , and the
rest of the McGhee clan (including Tut the kitten who is stalking my
houseshoe as I type)
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